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Sometimes I wonder if my weird brain and a lifetime of working in trauma has made it so I don't even notice these things with people. I'm so freaking flighty that I just assume I'm friends with lots of people, even if I don't hear from them in 10 years. I have a distorted concept of time. For instance, I was just at your house in St. Ann for a knitting group meet up and CJ was a toddler. That was like a year ago, maybe? Two? NO IT WAS 17 years ago. FFS. I don't know when people are mad at me. I don't know when people flirt with me. When I unmask, I just don't pick up on social clues. I have to be really focused and in "work mode" to do those things. When I'm not at the hospital....I've stopped masking. It's exhausting.

And I'm really sad we didn't get to nail down a birthday dinner. Wanna meet up for a show this fall? I've been really wanting to drive down to Gene's to see Diesel Island play.

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